Community Boats

 In Columbia Ridge News, Uncategorized



1 – the new community watercraft, as approved at the AGM, have been procured and are now available at the beach – including two new paddleboats, a canoe and three kayaks, along with associated paddles. These items were all in use and being enjoyed literally within hours of arriving last Saturday! In addition, an additional kayak (tandem model) and paddles were generously donated by Harry Van Zeist. We will build a new rack to hold the kayaks once the water begins to recede – in the meantime please ensure they are properly stowed on high ground, above the decks, when not in use!

2 – high water season is upon us, and looks to be similar to last year in terms of height the water will ultimately reach – PLEASE ENSURE that all community watercraft are properly secured after each use (ie pulled up on shore above the decks) to prevent damage or loss. DO NOT leave paddleboats floating and simply secured by their tether ropes – this leaves them open to significant damage or loss from any wind/wave action that may arise later.


1 – all users are required to wear lifejackets while using community watercraft 2 – watercraft, including paddles, should be properly stored and secured immediately after use 3 – kayak paddles do not float well – if dropped in water retrieve them immediately to prevent them sinking 4 – usage is on a first-come, first-served basis 5 – do not overload or use in a reckless manner – take care of our community equipment as if it was your own!

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