2018 AGM Documents

 In Columbia Ridge News, Uncategorized

Columbia Ridge Community Association

Annual General Meeting

Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 10 a.m.

Columbia Ridge Rec Centre

Dear resident:

Attached are the following documents in preparation for the upcoming annual general meeting:

  1. Agenda

b. Proxy form, to allow someone to vote on your behalf if you cannot be present

c. Minutes from last year’s AGM

d. 2017 Financial Statements

With regard to the proposed amendments to our association bylaws, the board has determined that further work is warranted prior to bringing any changes back to the members for approval:

The concept of updating our bylaws stemmed from the process of becoming compliant with the new Societies Act and was also spurred by a variety of resident feedback over the past year. During the recent window for feedback from residents, additional issues have been raised. In order to properly vet the new feedback and learnings, the governance committee of the board is revising the process and timelines for amending the bylaws, while remaining within the ultimate deadline to achieve compliance with the new Act as above. This will be further explained at the upcoming AGM.

Click below or copy and paste to your browser, to obtain the documents


Note: If you are accessing this blog on our website, please look for your personalized email where you can obtain the AGM documents without logging in

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