BOD Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, December 3, 2013, 6:30 p.m.

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*COLUMBIA RIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION * BOD Meeting Minutes Tuesday, December 3, 2013, 6:30 p.m. Conference Call In Attendance: Grant Exner, Tom Symington, Kerry-Anne Munroe, Sean Halliday, Donna Wunderlich, Wendy Coombs, Cathy Cornfield, Craig Dearden Unable to Attend: Ian Adair, Glenn Flynn (Gordy Cannady, Wes Funk)

1. Call to Order Grant Exner called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. 2. Additions to Agenda/Adoption of Agenda No additions. 3. Adoption of Minutes of the April 16, 2013 BOD meeting Moved by Craig Dearden and seconded by Grant Exner that the minutes of the April 16, 2013 CRCA board meeting be adopted as circulated on the website. ALL IN FAVOUR. MOTION CARRIED. 4. TreasurerÂ’s Report – Kerry Anne Munroe Signing authority – Grant Exner and Mike Schithelm are now on the list Property transfers – how is info being communicated? As of the end of the year, Denise Grocutt will no longer be doing the water invoicing. Donna Rae will be taking over that position. Action: Kerry-Anne Munroe and Tom Symington will contact Donna Rae in the new year to see how this information can be passed on. Status of AGM approved projects – budget commitments and status. The community BBQ sustained a loss of about $644.26. Discussion: Should we budget something for the BBQ on an annual basis. Does the community want to subsidize it each year. (Assuming weÂ’re charging?) Action: A full report will be presented at the January BOD meeting. 5. Committee Reports – Gordy Cannady Status of building commitments – the building committee has nothing new to report. G. Cannady has been contacted by phone by the owners of the empty lot across from the tennis courts. They anticipate starting construction in the spring. As of today, they have not submitted any plans for the building committeeÂ’s review and eventual approval. Fences: Based on the discussion at previous meetings, a letter was sent by the board to the owner in question. Action: Grant Exner will follow up. Foreshore: Grant Exner provided an update. Pump house – is now finished. Aquatic Lease: Grant Exner and Sean Halliday Workplan – simplify the approach Timeline – we are due to update with W. Booth of Area F Status – Sean and Grant will speak with Ian and get his take on the Aquatic Lease with regard to moorage users. There is the question of RDEK approval – either solidify what we have or ask for further changes. Recommendation: Limit research to two or three proposals. We will need community support for the proposal that is eventually put forward. Action: Touch base with Wendy Booth. Obtain input from Ian Adair with regard to his experience over the summer with the moorage situation. Moorage – Thank you to Ian Adair. Ian did an excellent job on moor assignments and general improvements to moorings. There were no moving moor incidents this year. Communications – Tom Symington Community survey (AGM) – Very few forms were turned in after the AGM. Community Phone Directory – Some additional local phone numbers were collected and added to the directory on the CRCA website. If you are looking for a neighbourÂ’s phone number, consult this list. If you would like your phone number added to the list, send it to T. Symington. Potential volunteers – Names of residents interested in volunteering were forwarded to the BBQ committee. Buy/Sell section on the website – Two request were made for a community Buy/Sell section on the website. Action: Tom will contact Dafne to see if that is feasible. Board members indicated it would likely be a success and would draw members to the website more frequently. Members could post various kinds of notices there as well i.e. craft sale, garage sale et cetera. Local Government – Tom Symington/Kerry Anne Munroe Columbia Lake Park – Area F Director W. Booth will be presenting her views on the necessary upgrades to this park at the north end of the lake on the north side of Lot 48. At the June meeting of Area F residents at Fairmont, mention was made that the paving of Columbia Lake Road was the result of a concerted letter-writing campaign by residents of Timber Springs. The community is reminded that the Area F director has a discretionary fund that community groups can apply for. Erosion – Wes Funk (no report available) Craig Dearden raised the question of how the slope down to the deck from the tracks could be improved. Action: A spring project. T. Symington to put this on the February agenda. BBQ (follow-up) – Wendy Coombs Because of the change in format and the fact that food wasnÂ’t supplied, it should be easier to place more accurate orders and be on budget next year. All of this information is on a spreadsheet. Feedback was all very positive. The new, simplified format was well received. Thank you to Wendy, Cathy, Donna and the entire team that put it on. Suggestion: Some young teenagers might be engaged in helping out next year i.e. – supervising, helping with setup and cleanup 6. Other Old Business Gate lock policy – Tom Symington and Kerry-Anne Munroe will discuss this prior to the next meeting. Meeting schedule – the next meeting will be held the third week of January Kayaks – a couple seem to have gone missing. How do we arrange a search and retrieval mission. How can we ensure that community watercraft are looked after in a respectful fashion. Kayak policy. Action: Table for AGM prep. New sign at the entrance to the community – Dave Rae is amenable to change. Discussion – should it be discreet and subtle or recognizable from the highway. The lettering on the log sign should be repainted. Nowadays visitors can find addresses with Google map. Action: Cathy Cornfield, Tom Symington will meet to discuss some options. Improvements to the walkway between the Bauer and Arsenault residences (flooding in the spring and ice buildup in the winter) Action: Grant Exner will speak to the owners and present some ideas for a solution. Phone directory – reminder to residents to add local numbers and consult the directory. If residents are aware of any cougars or bears in the neighbourhood, please contact Tom who can send out a warning e-mail to all residents. Thank you. Succession planning – Action: board members to identify who will take on board roles by the January meeting. Community members should identify themselves if they would like to participate on the board. Two vice-presidents are required. 7. New Business December social – December 7th at 7 pm at recreation hall December 31 skating party (Sean Halliday) – 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Dave Hubbard will be in charge of hay bales and fire pits. Action: Sean will send Tom a description of the event (to be e-mailed to all residents and posted on the website) after the weekend. Pickle ball markings for tennis court – this issue was raised over the summer. Residents can google “pickle ball court” to see a picture. Lines could be painted in another colour. Action: Grant Exner will contact Diane Gerald to ask if she would make a presentation at the AGM. Associated cost? $400 (this past summer). Would likely be a little more because the court would now require pressure washing. Insurance information – there has been a request from a Columere Park resident to find out what our premiums are. This is a timely reminder that we should contact our broker prior to the AGM to make sure we have adequate coverage. Action: Kerry-Anne Munroe will contact our broker and get the information. Boat storage racks – AGM and budget prep for next year. Picnic tables, community centre tables and chairs, potential share of cost with Spirits Reach – Shared community picnic tables – Columere and Spirits Reach and move them around as special events dictate. Collapsible, moveable tables cost about $200. Action: Tom Symington will approach Area F Director Wendy Booth if this would qualify for some of the areaÂ’s discretionary funding. Short-term rentals of residences (vs long-term rentals). Action: Tom Symington will contact Dave Rae for this specific information and the board will decide at the next meeting whether this information should be posted on the website.

Next meeting date – third week in January.

8. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.

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