BOD Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 6:30 p.m.

 In Columbia Ridge News


BOD Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 6:30 p.m. Conference Call

In Attendance:

Grant Exner, Tom Symington, Kerry Anne Munroe, Ian Adair, Heather Bears, Donna Wunderlich, Gordy Cannady, Craig Dearden

Unable to Attend:

Sean Halliday, Wendy Coombs, Glenn Flynn, Wes Funk

1. Call to Order

Grant Exner called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.

2. Additions to Agenda/Adoption of Agenda

No additions.

3. Adoption of Minutes of the March 27, 2013 BOD meeting

Moved by Heather and seconded by Donna that the minutes of the March 27, 2013 CRCA board meeting be adopted as circulated on the website. ALL IN FAVOUR. MOTION CARRIED.

4. Treasurer’s Report – Kerry Anne Munroe

M/S Heather Bears/Kerry Anne Munroe to remove Dave Rae and Denise Grocutt as signatories for the CRCA account. CARRIED. At our last meeting we approved the following motion: “M/S Sean Halliday/Craig Dearden that Grant Exner, Donna Wunderlich, Craig Dearden, Tom Symington and Kerry Anne Munroe be the CRCA’s signing authorities at the bank. CARRIED”

5. Committee Reports (condensed discussion to leave time to focus on AGM planning


Gordy Cannady


Based on the discussion at previous meetings, a letter was sent by the board to the owner in question.

Status of building commitments

nothing new to report


Board proposals to be submitted at the AGM for community approval. Presentation – G. Cannady Suggestions by board members to include in presentation: Ditches and culverts must be maintained to allow for the free flow of water. Properties need to have a ground cover that is maintained at an acceptable level to prevent the spread of weeds and/or present a fire hazard. (Grass, rock, gravel)

Community Map Update

Mary Clare Coleman and Donna Rae will update the community map and pass the information on to Wendy Coombs.


Any new structure on a property (second building or an addition to an existing structure) must have the approval of the Building Committee before construction begins.


Grant Exner provided an update. Pump house – no more news John Morrison’s responsibilities – Grant Exner John Morrison will take on the installation of the community moors. He will need help with mapping them out. Ian Adair and Grant Exner will consult with John Morrison. Aquatic Lease: Grant Exner. Sean Halliday has prepared a draft presentation for the AGM to explain what has been accomplished to date. Grant and Ian will look this over and provide feedback to Sean. Work parties – gravel detail, moorage improvements, and south dock.


(survey for AGM) – Tom Symington


Tom Symington will prepare a survey for the AGM.

Local Government

Tom Symington/Kerry Anne Munroe Following excerpt from the RCMP report in the Columbia Valley Pioneer, April 5, 2013 (page 4) was noted and agreed that it should be posted on the website

“ATV and dirt bike complaints

With the good weather now upon us, the detachment is receiving more complaints of dirt bikes and all-terrain vehicles being driven on the road, in many cases, with no insurance and no helmets. The detachment will be concentrating some effort this summer to conduct patrols to deal with these types of complaints. Due to the nature of these types of complaints, some outside-the-box enforcement tactics will have to be employed. Charges will be laid, vehicles will be seized.”


– Wes Funk (summary of a written report) Vast Resources will produce a draft Scope of Work and Remediation Plan for the North and South Beach Accesses by the end of April. This might provide enough time to solicit quotes for the work prior to the AGM.

Easter Egg Hunt (follow-up)

– Wendy Coombs We had over 35 children participate in the Columbia Ridge Estates Easter Egg Hunt this year. The Easter Bunny has 13 hiding spots that sent the children running all over the community for over an hour. Thanks to Yi-Nei Kao for getting things organized and all the parents for making this a great event. Wendy Coombs had a blast being the Easter BunnyÂ’s helper this year. This is a fun tradition that we can look forward to year after year. We may consider increasing the age limit, as some of the 10 year olds were already feeling sad about not being included next year. Great spirit!

BBQ (follow-up)

Date was set at the last meeting: CRCA BBQ – Saturday, August 10, 2013 ACTION: The committee will begin to discuss plans.

6. AGM planning – Saturday, May 18, 2013

a. Timing was discussed for potential work parties on foreshore matters b. Agenda – reviewed and updated last year’s agenda in preparation for this year’s AGM c. Financial Statements for 2012 – Kerry Anne Munroe i. Transition of treasurer duties is in process/solving software problems d. Operating and Capital Budgets for next year. Budget items were reviewed in detail and draft budgets agreed for presentation and discussion at the AGM e. Board Members standing, new members, succession plan Sean Halliday, Grant Exner, Tom Symington, Craig Dearden, Kerry Anne Munroe, Ian Adair, Donna Wunderlich, Wendy Coombs, Glenn Flynn and Wes Funk have agreed to serve on the board for another year. f. Foreshore / Aquatic Lease presentation

AGM Package will include: Notice of meeting/cover letter (Grant will draft a letter). This will be mailed out, as will the proxy form and the agenda. The following items will be posted on the website 2012 financials 2013 proposed budget

7. Other Old Business


8. New Business


Next meeting date(s) – to be decided as needed

9. Adjournment

Moved by Donna Wunderlich and seconded by Craig Dearden that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

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