CRA Minutes Wednesday, March 27, 2013

 In Columbia Ridge News


BOD Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 8:00 p.m.

Conference Call

*1. In Attendance: Grant Exner, Tom Symington, Sean Halliday, Kerry Anne Munroe, Ian Adair, Wendy Coombs, Heather Bears, Donna Wunderlich, Gordy Cannady Unable to Attend: Craig Dearden, Wes Funk, Glenn Flynn 2. Call to Order Grant Exner called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. 3. Additions to Agenda/Adoption of Agenda Alarm bells, Dark Sky Preserve, Mooring 4. Adoption of Minutes of the January 21, 2013 BOD meeting Moved by Heather Bears and seconded by Ian Adair that the minutes of the January 21, 2013 CRCA board meeting be adopted as circulated on the website and amended. ALL IN FAVOUR. MOTION CARRIED. 5. TreasurerÂ’s Report Â– Grant Exner Denise Grocutt has resigned from this position. Kerry Anne Munroe has agreed to take over these duties. She will meet with D. Grocutt over the Easter weekend to finalize the transition. Discussion of the treasurerÂ’s roles, duties and her expectations. The CIIF grant money for the playground has arrived. M/S Wendy Coombs/Kerry Anne Munroe that the Board purchase a thank-you gift and card to recognize Denise Grocutt for her longtime and dedicated service to the Columbia Ridge Community Association. Carried. ACTION ITEMS: W. Coombs will coordinate the purchase of the card and gift. Signing Authority – needs changing. A motion was passed at the last meeting: “M/S Sean Halliday/Craig Dearden that Grant Exner, Donna Wunderlich, Craig Dearden, Tom Symington and Kerry Anne Munroe be the CRCAÂ’s signing authorities at the bank. CARRIED” 6. Committee Reports Building Gordy Cannady presented a verbal report on behalf of the Building Committee: One set of plans has been presented. The owner will not start building until next year. Fences: * See last monthÂ’s minutes for the BoardÂ’s position.

*ACTION: Grant and Gordy will craft a letter to reflect the boardÂ’s decision on this matter. Reminder: * Any new structure on a property (second building or an addition to an existing structure) must have the approval of the Building Committee before construction begins.

*Landscaping: In order to provide the Building Committee with guidelines as to what we as a community would like to see in the way of landscaping, the Board will introduce some proposals at the AGM for community approval. ACTION: A presentation will be developed for presentation at the AGM to illustrate the kinds of landscaping options available and the kinds of weeds we would like to control. G. Cannady will coordinate with input from S. Halliday and H. Bears who volunteered to provide him with some input. Foreshore: Grant Exner provided an update. There has been some ice damage on the waterfront that needs repair. (See pictures on our website.) John Morrison has been contacted and authorized to begin work to repair this damage. Pump house – Heather Adair did go down and have a look and consulted with Dave Rae. There may be cost implications for the community. The ultimate solution may be a detached structure with access to water and electricity through the pump house structure. A pump house and separate gazebo may be the solution. ACTION: The Board will have to examine any budget implications and will defer this until the overall Foreshore / Aquatic Lease plan is formulated. Beach / Community Maintenance: ACTION: Grant Exner will clarify expectations and responsibilities with John the next time he is out. Aquatic Lease: Grant Exner presented this report. The committee will not be able to present a completed project at the AGM. ACTION: *Sean Halliday will prepare a presentation for the AGM to explain what has been accomplished to date.

*Communications Tom Symington, Gerry George and Glenn Flynn Community members are encouraged to consult the CRCA website on a regular basis. ACTION: Tom Symington will prepare a survey for the AGM which will collect input with regard to website consultation, and update home addresses and e-mail addresses of community members. Some residents have allowed their local and/or home phone numbers to be listed in the “Members Only” section of the website in case of emergency. If community members have any ideas or suggestions for improvement, please contact Tom. Local Government Tom Symington, Kerry Anne Munroe By-law amendment – Dutch Creek Resort. No impact on us. Invermere Public LibraryÂ’s 50th Anniversary – June 5, 2013. Check the libraryÂ’s website to find out how owners of second homes can obtain a library card. The library has a contract with the RDEK to provide library service to Area F. This is our library. Membership numbers have an impact on our grants. Support the library through its special 50th Anniversary Adopt-a-Book (or magazine subscription or CD etc.) campaign. Erosion Wes Funk reported that he is still working on Vast Resources for the geotechnical consultation. That company did acknowledge a distinct worry about the liability associated with the project. ACTION: Update at our next meeting. The issue of the runoff on the paved pathway between upper and lower Columbia Ridge Drive was not addressed at this meeting. ACTION: Wes will present his proposals for addressing this issue at our next meeting. Playground A new playground sign has been purchased. It will be put up near the entrance to the playground as soon as ground conditions permit. Funds for signage and picnic tables were added to the overall budget for the new playground. The grant money has been received as mentioned above.. It was mentioned that the sand in the sandbox down at the waterfront needs to be replenished. Gordy Cannady and Ian Adair volunteered to get the sand once permission from the owner has been obtained. See “gravel at mailboxes” below. ACTION: Donna Wunderlich will contact Chris Rae about erecting the sign. Gordy Cannady and Ian Adair will look after the sand in the sandbox when advised. Easter Egg Hunt Wendy Coombs (who is looking after this function during Yi-Nei KaoÂ’s absence) reported that she is prepared for some 47 kids. BBQ * A reminder that the BBQ Committee is looking for new ideas and fresh approaches. Wendy Coombs has distributed a detailed spreadsheet outlining all of the requirements. Cathy Cornfield and Donna Wunderlich are willing to remain on the committee and provide guidance to new volunteers. ItÂ’s time to pass the torch. Wendy Coombs, Kerry Anne Munroe and Katherine Casey have volunteered to help. They could use some more assistance. The plan is to have a different concept this year – a simpler approach. There will not be a DJ or tent this year.

Mark your calendars: *CRCA BBQ – Saturday, August 10, 2013 ACTION: The committee will start to discuss plans. 7. Five-Year Capital Plan Paving/resurfacing of tennis court ACTION: Grant Exner has confirmed to Dave Rae that we have approved our portion of the costs for this work and are ready to proceed. The start date for this project will have to wait for warmer weather. (Mid-April to early May.) 8. Other Old Business Gravel at mailboxes Â– Tom Symington has left a message with Cody McKersie. (In the past, WalterMc Kersiehas allowed community reps to help themselves to some sand for the sandbox. ACTION: Tom Symington will contact WalterMc Kersieand request gravel and ask about the sand. 9. New Business Mooring – Ian Adair presented a report describing how the distribution of moors worked last year and the challenges he has observed. The August long weekend is the busiest weekend. We will be faced with the need to share moors once again this year. We currently have about 50 active boaters. 19 of the 31 moors are used very frequently. Five are used occasionally. Some moors are far too close together and present a safety issue. Ian recommends that we organize a workday to properly address some of the anchor weight issues and location of some moors that may be too close to their neighbours. Ian also recommended that we need to beef up and improve the dock at the south beach. Three new balls are ready to be installed. The Board thanked Ian for his work in coordinating the mooring requests and presenting these ideas for a well run and cooperative waterfront. ACTION: Ian Adair will set up a meeting with moor owners and aquatic lease committee to discuss some of these issues in order to have something ready for the AGM. House Alarms Â– see note on website. Dark Sky Preserve Â– Tom Symington referred the board to an article in the Valley Echo about the beauty of being able to live in an environment where the stars are visible and there is little or no light pollution. Board members suggested that bright outside bulbs in the neighbourhood could be replaced with lower voltage light bulbs. – See note on website Sign at the entrance to the community. A community member suggested in a note to the board that it is time to update, refurbish or change the sign. Discussion. It was also noted that the communityÂ’s name on the log on the Columbia Road side of the community hall needs repainting. ACTION: Grant Exner will talk with Dave Rae about the options he is willing to consider. Board renewal at the AGM Will members completing their two-year term on the board be willing to stand for another term of office. ACTION: Board members will advise the board of their intentions at our next meeting so we can finalize a director slate for the AGM. REMINDER: The AGM will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Next BOD meeting: April 15, 16 or 17. Check for confirmation. This meeting will focus on AGM planning, next yearÂ’s operating and capital budgets, and will finalize a draft budget. ACTION: Grant will put out a doodle poll for the April meeting 10. Adjournment * Moved by Donna Wunderlich and seconded by Heather Bears that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m.

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