January 21, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes (Draft)

 In Columbia Ridge News

COLUMBIA RIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BOD Meeting Minutes Monday, January 21, 2013, 6:30 p.m. Conference Call 1. In Attendance: Grant Exner, Tom Symington, Sean Halliday, Kerry Anne Munroe, Ian Adair, Craig Dearden, Donna Wunderlich, Wes Funk, Glenn Flynn Unable to Attend: Gordy Cannady, Wendy Coombs, Heather Bears, Denise Grocutt 2. Call to Order Grant Exner called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm. 3. Additions to Agenda/Adoption of Agenda No changes. 4. Adoption of Minutes of the November 5, 2012 BOD meeting Moved by Donna Wunderlich and seconded by Kerry Anne Munroe that the minutes of the November 5, 2012 CRCA board meeting be adopted as circulated on the website. ALL IN FAVOUR. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Treasurer’s Report – no report in Denise Grocutt’s absence Discussion of succession/transition period ACTION ITEM: Signing Authority – needs changing M/S Sean Halliday/Craig Dearden that Grant Exner, Donna Wunderlich, Craig Dearden, Tom Symington and Kerry Anne Munroe be the CRCA’s signing authorities at the bank. Details to follow at the next meeting 6. Committee Reports Building Gordy Cannady presented a written committee report on behalf of the Building Committee: Fences: Discussion ensued.. We do not want to promote or accept the building of fences in our community, but if a fence is required by law, we will have to accept its existence. ACTION: Grant and Gordy will craft a letter to reflect the board’s decision on this matter. Reminder: Any new structure on a property (second building or an addition to an existing structure) must have the approval of the Building Committee before construction begins. Landscaping: In order to provide the Building Committee with guidelines as to what we as a community would like to see in the way of landscaping, the Board will introduce some proposals at the AGM for community approval. ACTION: The Board will prepare guidelines for community debate and approval at the AGM.

Foreshore Grant Exner provided an update. Pump house – no more work has been done. Ian and Heather Adair did go down and have a look. ACTION: Ian and Heather Adair will contact Dave Rae and review the proposed building plans for the pump house. The Board will have to examine any budget implications the cost of any add-ons (exterior taps, plugs, deck) that might benefit the community will have. John Morrison ACTION: Grant Exner will clarify responsibilities with John in the spring. Aquatic Lease: Grant Exner presented this report with Sean HallidayÂ’s input. The suggestion of providing a holistic look at what the committee envisions was appreciated and will be incorporated into the committeeÂ’s proposals. Wes Funk provided a concise summary of the outcomes of RDEKÂ’s bylaw meeting at the community hall on December 27, 2012. ACTION: Grant Exner and Sean Halliday will meet shortly to decide on the next steps in preparation for presenting proposals to the AGM. A more detailed report will be provided to the Board at our next meeting in February. At that time another community update will be provided and a more concise timetable of action items and deadlines for proposals will be provided to the community. The committee members are: Grant Exner, Ian Adair, Ernie Guenther, Dave Hubbard Gary Cornfield, Garry Cooke, Dave Dart, Jim Coombe, Brian Bieko, Todd Esler, Sean Halliday, Steve (?). Communications Tom Symington, Gerry George and Glenn Flynn Community members are encouraged to consult the CRCA website on a regular basis. No one has approached us to advertise any product or service for personal gain, and the main focus has been publicizing community/valley events and notices (i.e. animal sightings) and pictures for community members. ACTION: Tom Symington will continue looking at other community websites to see if there are more local resources and links that should be added to ours. If community members have any suggestions, please contact Tom. Local Government Tom Symington, Kerry Anne Munroe Kerry Anne Munroe reported that she had also attended the RDEK By- law meeting at the community hall on December 27, 2012. She concurred with Wes FunkÂ’s summary. There was nothing else to report. Erosion Wes Funk reported that Dave Struthers of Vast Resource Solutions has not as yet produced a new plan for the erosion assessment. Discussion. ACTION: As we still need a bona fide workable plan to allow us to write a scope-of-work plan, Wes Funk will prepare a letter for Vast Resource Solutions that addresses the concerns they may have in providing that to us. The issue of the runoff on the paved pathway between upper and lower Columbia Ridge Drive was not addressed at this meeting. ACTION: Wes will present his proposals for addressing this issue at our next meeting. Playground A new playground sign has been purchased. It will be put up in the spring. BBQ A reminder that the BBQ Committee is looking for new ideas and approaches. Contact a board member if you are willing to pitch in with fresh ideas and renewed energy. Cathy Cornfield and Donna Wunderlich are willing to stay on and provide guidance. We would like to be prepared with a date and a concept for the AGM in May. ACTION: Community members – please contact Cathy, Donna or one of the board members to volunteer or make suggestions. 7. Five-Year Capital Plan Paving/resurfacing of tennis court – cost-sharing between Columbia Ridge and Spirits Reach. The cost to resurface the tennis court has gone up. (Between $7,500 and $9,000). This time, 10-15% of the cost is to be covered by Spirits Reach and the balance by Columbia Ridge, as we have had more opportunity to use it in the past.) M/S Kerry Anne Munroe/Glen Flynn that Grant Exner let Dave Rae know that we approve resurfacing the tennis court this year. ACTION: Grant Exner will see if any grants are available for this kind of work. 8. Other Old Business Co -Vice-Presidents – Grant Exner provided a description of the vice- presidentsÂ’ duties and reiterated the importance of succession planning for the community. ACTION: Board Members to do some reflection. Gravel at mailboxes – Tom Symington reported that the roads staff had told him that the maintenance of the area in front of the mailboxes was a Canada Post responsibility. He was contacted by someone from Canada Post in Kimberley who said that he required a work order from the staff at Canal Flats. That person indicated that a work order has been submitted. There has been nothing done as yet. ACTION: Tom Symington will be in touch with Kimberley and Canal Flats once the spring thaw/freezing cycle begins. If nothing is done, he will make arrangements to have some gravel put down per our earlier motion. Community Records – Denise Grocutt (our secretary for many years) delivered them to Tom Symington before Christmas. New YearÂ’s Eve afternoon skating party – thanks to Dave Hubbard and Donna Wunderlich for getting the fire pits organized and the bales of hay set out on the ice. And a big thank you to the community members (Jim Coombe, Dave Hubbard and others) for grooming the ice over a long period of time prior to the event. There was a great turnout, and the weather was picture perfect. . Good weather. Thank you to Sean Halliday for putting the idea forward. ACTION: Will this be an annual event?

9. New Business Meeting dates for the balance of the winter/spring. The next meeting will be held either the second or third week of February. This meeting will focus on AGM planning, next yearÂ’s operating and capital budgets, and should include a draft budget. * The AGM will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2013. ACTION: Grant Exner will work with Denise and send out a draft budget prior to the February meeting. 10. Adjournment Moved by Craig Dearden and seconded by Wes Funk that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. 11. Next Meeting Week of February 11 or the following week. BCÂ’s new Family Day is February 11. AlbertaÂ’s Family Day is February 18. ACTION: Grant will put out a doodle poll for a February meeting sometime the second or third week of February.

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